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This just in...
February 19th - Still dead, but here's something I got a kick out of doodling, then recreated in p'shop. At the risk of big head accusations, I find it professional looking. Also, corrected SV on the links, dropped CAD. The archive page still isn't ready yet...
February 8th (2007) - So Smileville is back on the air. Not PvP daily air, but looking nice. Handyside is trying at fresh goods with new Fork You! which seems to be of the Jim-Bob template. MacHall is still dead, AppleGeeks has been slow but I think it'll get back up, and I haven't checked CAD in months, thinking I'll drop it.
I'm putting the 'dead' sign back up, I'll leave a note when the backlog's ready and coming. Yeah, new comics. Someday. I've decided site work doesn't count, which is still going. Archives need rearranging, will likely want notes on them too.
December 24th - Still spawning. Links page is looking good. I'm banking for 2007 though, but I'll keep you all posted on the progress. Wait, all who? Who am I kidding? Not that I've earned such, of course.
December 21st - Changes are in process. No, seriously this time. First of all, I want that weird login out. Also, the forum needs a button. The links page is getting an overhaul, needs Snafu, Mac Hall, Applegeeks... The JR comics are still expected, as I emailed the author (Ryan Khatam) half a dozen times. Apparently he's still out there, though, so I tried his msg boards. I'm trying to keep in mind that content and frequency are everyone's favorite, and that does mean over quality. Stuff for you, and more of it, even if it is crummy. And I'm still playing WoW, but I'm getting that under control. Norgannon server, add 'Deathtank' ;)
July 25th (2006) - For a long time there was nothing. Then Falos said, "Let there be toons."
A very long time. But I've lowered my standards! Yay! I'll be scanning up whatever dirt I find from notebooks. You'll get my school trash, like everyone else. Ink first, then pencil. I might bother with removing blue lines. But you'll get some stuff.
Coming up first, Johnny Rocketfingers! And by my 1337, here's the direct link to download it. I need to talk to the creator to be certain, I figure he'll cooperate. Basically, it's the story in a comic. Simple.
Next, I'll either throw in some ordinary random comics, the unseen "Lost in New York" episodes, or perhaps the whole batch of LiNY.
For now, this was the first panel sent in by my cousin for the arcade comic. Silly antelope.
Oh. Neither LiNY or Rocketfingers is finished. But there's plenty to go with for now. Except I've recently started WoW...
To do: Add Snafu to links section (whoamg he lives near meh!?) and perhaps consider the multiple comics.
September 25th - Fiasco with Buckley at CAD who got mad when some friends and I re-enacted some of his comics on tape. Then he got scorched for word of sending naughty pics and phone calls to underaged girls. Put in a comic, finally.
Going to update the links section, take out expired stuff, add new bits, like MegaTokyo, which was part of what urged my gut to get to work. Oh, and there's an AdBrite at the bottom. I think I make money from this one. I'll see if I can sign for GoogleAds, that'll stay at the bottom too. Out of the way. Evil things.
June 23rd - Consider it hiatus or something. It's dead. Still checking the forums, but it's dead. I'll be going to my cousin's, halfway across the US, so maybe something will happen. But don't get your hopes up.
April 2nd - New comic. Sorta. It's a picture of Jim I drew up, then photoshop'd. My cousin's is on the right.
March 16th - Various tweaks. Changed email address, the 404 page, random stuff.
March 9th - In contact with cousin, I sent this comic to him, hoping he could try real art. And you folks get a hint of real JBC, despite being crudely inked - no tracing for me, just luck.
March 1st - Fixed some screwy archive links. Finished commentary on prologue comics.
February 18th - No reply from cousin, but I finished NY#5! I'm likely to leave it there, though I don't like the idea of it hanging and I might finish it anyway. On the other hand, I only did like 15 episodes anyway and never ended it. I could close it up on #16 pretty quick, but it'd feel lame, and there's potential for a much longer arc. For now, I'll keep JBC fresh and stay away from arcs - they need commitment.
February 14th - <3 Valentine's Day! Hope yours went romantically well. Back on JBC, it seems my cuz is likely to end up partnering with me as an artist. I'm sure he'll keep putting my art to shame; which is a good thing.
February 4th - Yeah, here's a little something. The next and likely last New York episode is on it's way, with an attempt at an inking, but my good cousin might be guesting a bit. Here's a sample he sent, and it puts me to shame. Shame, I say.
January 21st (2005) - 2005
is in, and as for 2004: "Glad that's over with..."
Woahmg! JBC is on life-support and will hopefully return better than
ever in the summer.
I'll try to keep something around here to come to meanwhile...
October 7th - Yeah. Dedided to add a proboard again to keep some minor life. The inactivity will prove JBC doesn't need to update, however.
August 24th - Tagboard removed due to spam and spoofing. This one's for you "spongeworld": ( Y )
Yeah, man. Drop in a quarter and make a phone call - if you can afford a quarter. You can get it back if you change your mind, it's gonna be brown an' sticky tho. Anyway, there's more room for keeping the news now. I might add a proboard, but JBC doesn't need one for now.
June 20th - Another new comic. Hangouts.html tweak. A lot of comics seem to be dying around me; staccato, mike and nix, blaze comics, slackerz/ohsnap. I should probably clean up the links section, add some of the stuff I'm reading (Did the VGCats archive in a sitting, pretty good. F.G. Hobo was hilarious). I'm also going to start putting comments on older comics, help clarify anything that's confusing.
June 9th - New comic. Some small tweaks. Progress slow, but steady. At least the comic's not dead!
June 2nd - Fixed a weird glitch where the index showed a deleted version of #6, weird. And yes, I'm working on #8
May 30th - Man I've been in overdrive. I redid some stuff and fixed some stuff and bal33ted some stuff and JEEZ. Removed the filler, BTW.
May 28th - A month. Crap. Well I'm back. My FTP software had expired or something so I had reDL and reinstall. Then my daily/index templates seemed to be gone, and the comic from the 28th never showed up - probably since I tried to FTP with windows software... Hmm, most of that will only make sense to other 'spacers... Anywho, I removed the forums (tagboard will do).
April 28th - No, JBC isn't dead, not really. School's been crazy, but luckily worlds collided and I made one for my senior portfolio.
April 6th - Sorry for anyone who wanted April Fools' jokes. I'm just too busy. On the other hand, I managed to make a shiny-shiny new logo. I want it to replace the one within the comic, but that'll take a bit of work. All the new ones will have it, though.
March 27th - Got in comic #7 at about 8:30 p.m. my time. Also stuck stuff in the extra's section, with fixes to everything not working.
March 24th - I got off my duff a bit. I finally jammed in the "extra's" section, which is going to start holding my excuses for leaving this comic near dead. JBC itself lives, though. I just did a 15-comic series on my chemistry teacher - maybe I'll n00b-scan.
March 16th - A little more work. I totally fixed up the tagboard. I need to do the "extra's" still.
March 14th - Been a while. I missed a comic, though I do have my reasons. I put a filler and I'll keep working. Sorry, lot's of school and stuff.
February 26th - Not
much in the news, but I've still been keeping up. I just finished #5,
too. I'm going to be doing an 'extras' section as well, to fit all the
stuff that I guess doesn't deserve a button. I ran out of space, too.
*UPDATE: Redid the site somewhat. Moved the last 3 news sections onto
the front page. Now if only there was an HTML to auto-do it...
February 13th - Friday the 13th, watch your backs. Comic #4 is up but I don't know when it'll update.
February 12th - Tweaks. Renamed the 2 linking images out of caps. I'll have to fix that habit.
February 11th - Turns out I had to go into the archive.html directly and fix the .PNG caps. And I'm still not sure it'll work.
February 10th - I need to hurry up and finish #4 - I might drop the ball. I fixed the archives problem where it refused to show the home.png, since it kept forcing the extension .PNG and the caps led to another red X.
February 6th - A few more tweaks. Added advertisements on the rest of the webpages. Comic #4 is due in a week, I think I'll be fine.
February 3rd - A few tweaks. Added "Home" to the index just for repetition. Fixed it on the news page.
February 1st - Whoo! A webpage makeover! First, I'm using a nice veranda font. The tagboard was resized and now has a character limit of 999 instead of 200. The buttons were relocated. The archive was set-up. As for that last one, I'm going to do them all by hand instead of using auto-keen, since there's so few. Easier to understand, too. Last, winter-een-mas is over. I guess I didn't do much on that.
January 30th - Barely finished comic #3 on time.
Phew! And enjoy.
January 28th - New linking image at 88 x 31
January 27th - A little trouble in getting banned
from the computer, but I think I can still make this week in time. It's
about half-done.
*UPDATE: I created and added a "Home" button. I'm
considering an "about" section, since there's some stuff to explain.
January 21st -
Yeah...I'm going every other Friday. I doubt I can keep up with school.
At least now I'll be regular...
January 18th - Okay, so the comic isn't up. I may
be changing to every other Friday, just to keep up.
January 11th - w00t! A font-creating program! I
might stick it in, since it doesn't come out nicely. My handwriting
isn't exactly comic-worthy, I'd say.
January 10th - Comic 3 will be started soon, should be
set by next Friday, which is update time from now on.
January 9th (2004) - Proving I'm alive. I am NOT going to
desert this comic I just don't have my computer anymore, and can't DL
the FTP software. Planning to add an "About" section for myself and the
comic. Possibly a cast section, but the cast is small and can probably
be added to "about"
December 30th - Some tweaks. Links is pretty much finished. Need to do archives.
Getting to work on comic #3
December 26th - Finished Comic #2. Tagboard has no replies, may not be
*UPDATE: Totally worked the link page
December 25th - Happy Holidays!
December 24th - Created news page. Finishing table on index/daily